Edge v2.0 - More Edgy Ideas

2 min read · Posted on: Feb 25, 2015 · Print this page

Edge v2.0 has just been announced. Since the first release, there have been numerous feature requests and pull requests. I am happy to share that we have been able to incorporate most of the planned features and fixes, including:

  • Email-based logins!: Most websites don’t need usernames. Furthermore, the users have to come up with a unique and memorable username. But their email address is already unique and memorable, hence more widely used for logins these days.

  • User profiles!: In 90% of the user based applications you will need to create a user profile. So we have added one with nice default fields like a user avatar image, bio etc. They are extendable too.

  • Python 2.7 support!: Supporting Python 2.7 was a much requested change. Back-porting needed not just syntactic changes but some tricky Unicode management as well.

  • Less Bootstrappish: After browsing through several examples of well designed bootstrap-based sites, several design improvements have been added like see-through navbar that changes on scroll, full cover image etc.

  • Environment specific Settings and Requirements files: This was a convention most Django developers follow so the environment specific files have been split out.

  • Authentication Workflows: In addition to signup, login and logout; we now have views to change password, reset password etc. They are class-based views, hence easier to extend.

  • Lots more: check the wiki for details.

Most of these features are implemented by integrating several wonderful Django projects like authtools, crispy forms, admin-bootstrapped etc. Due credits to their wonderful work which makes Edge possible.

Checkout this brief screencast demo of these new features.


As always, please raise any issues and pull requests at the Github page.

Installation instructions: https://github.com/arocks/edge/wiki#quick-start

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Arun Ravindran

Arun is the author of "Django Design Patterns and Best Practices". Works as a Product Manager at Google. Avid open source enthusiast. Keen on Python. Loves to help people learn technology. Find out more about Arun on the about page.

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