About Laurels and Golden Sandals

2 min read · Posted on: May 27, 2007 · Print this page

Last week was very eventful for me. I have been keeping myself close to 100% utilized in one way or the other. Rather than bore your with a long rambling of events, let me tell you some of the highlights

  • I co-directed a skit for an annual cultural program which won the first prize. Among other things, I also did voice-over, sound editing and camera work. Camera work? Yep, that’s right, we also played some funny ad spoofs in the skit. One of which has become a huge hit and a viral video of some sorts. Check out the Malabar Gold Sandals ad at Youtube and post your comments.

  • Designing an Intranet portal to celebrate our unit’s successes. Among many sections, the quiz section was a dynamic application written in ASP that was visited by atleast one participant every 3 seconds. Why ASP you would ask. The answer is that we use an NTLM system to authenticate the users. The server was windows 2005 which somehow made installation of PHP very tricky and there wasn’t enough time to try out the Python alternative

  • Overcoming my learning curve for GIMP. GIMP was always known to be as capable as Photoshop. But I never got around to learning its GUI as easily. In office, I have started to use GIMP exclusively for designing mailers, newsletters, websites and what what not. I have to say that some of its features are yet to be found in Photoshop, but I much faster in the latter. I also use Inkscape in a small way. I’m trying to move towards vector designing tools for all my Photoshop needs.

  • Learning Haskell especially after noticing its sudden rise in popularity. Okay this is truly slow progress. I still have no idea how to make non-trivial applications in Haskell. But I’m reading SICP and Haskell textbook in parallel.

That’s all for the round-up folks. I’m working with a new client these days, hence (unsurprisingly) learning (yet) a new data warehousing tool called Datastage. I shall post my sister’s wedding snaps soon.

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Arun Ravindran

Arun is the author of "Django Design Patterns and Best Practices". Works as a Product Manager at Google. Avid open source enthusiast. Keen on Python. Loves to help people learn technology. Find out more about Arun on the about page.

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